Spellforce Wiki

"Urias's murderer mustn't escape. kill the metal monster that guards the emperor"
― Quest description

The Bronze Giant was a mechanical creature and the personal bodyguard of Emperor Magnus Arias in SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix. Usually the creature stood in the palace district in the city of Empyria but when Magnus Arias headed out to Kathai, it accompanied him.

In Kathai the Bronze Giant was used by the emperor to kill Urias, a knight of the Order of Dawn and a trusted companion of the rune warrior. Shortly after it was destroyed by the rune warrior and his forces in the fights shortly after.


The Bronze Giant had massive armor and strong physical attacks but it is slow and has only a low chance of hitting. If you had access to Decay or strong magic attacks such as Pain, Fireburst or Death the Bronze Giant can easily be overwhelmed since it did not possess any abilities to help in this situation.




The Bronze Giant seems to share some characteristics with the Strange Mechanoid found in the City of Souls during the quest The Irfit. This could indicate that it were the inhabitants of the City of Souls who once created the Bronze Giant.
