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The Primal Elements - sometimes called Arch Elements or just the Elements - were a magical force of nature from before the world of Eo had been created by the Aonir, the All-Father and first of all gods.

The creation of Eo[]

The elements were in constant changing and were rising to power only to be rendered into dust again. A primal elemental being could not truely be considered alive or dead, neither were they conscious or unconcious. Even Aonir, who is considered as one of the most powerful beings known, was unable to destroy these primal elements permanentely.

Instead he casted a powerful spell which could calm down the primal elements and cause them to go into a state of sleep. With the elements calmed like this, Aonir then was able to create the world of Eo by using their power to shape the world. He also created the Eye of Aonir, a star on the firmament imbued by his own power, that would watch over the elements and make sure that they would never awake from their slumber.

The Convocation[]

The Fial Darg had lost their war against the Guardians and thus were driven into exile through the armies of the light peoples. In their urge to take revenge, they plotted a sinister plan. They knew of the dark roamer, a planet or meteor, that once would appear and cover the Eye of Aonir for some time. During that time the spell woven by Aonir would be weaker and his control over the primal elements could be considered small too. If something would awaken the elements at that time, the world of Eo would be confronted with a cataclysm as never seen before.


Only the areas around the Godstones of Aonir were protected from the elements

The Fial Darg let this information of the dark roamer leak to the circle of the mages. The mages thought that invoking the power of the elements when the Eye of Aonir was clouded, would grant them divine power as it never was seen on Eo before.

However they were deceived: When calling upon the primal elements during the Convocation, they were totally unable to control it. The elements raged and shattered the continents of Eo. Only the places where a bit of Aonir's power remained were protected and thus small islands were left intact at the places where the Godstones of Aonir stood.
