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In Everlight Corporal Tahar and his companions eventually came across an elf called Vilron. He was a very talented blacksmith but he recently had his own curse to deal with.

He had been madly in love with a woman called Jane. The two of them had spent a magical time together and he wished to spend his live with her, but sadly her parents were opposed to their daughter running off with Vilron and kept her under guard.

He asked the Corporal to help him with his plan to allow both Jane and Vilron to escape from their parents' grasps.

Vilron's dangerous plan[]

He had prepared a tonic with the help of a local alchemist brewed with juice of poppies. This should mimic a state of death in which he then hoped to get Jane out of Everlight. Once she then woke up again in his arms, she would be free from her parents and the two of them could spend a life happily ever after.

Tonight, at sunset, we shall both drink it. Then, once we wake up, we will escape this wretched city forever and build a new life in a better world
Vilron revealing his plan

The Corporal was sceptical and warned Vilron of the negative effects of poppies' juice, but he would tell, that the alchemist had thought of every aspect. After Corporal Tahar had arrived at Jane's house, she and her father had a small talk about Jane helping her father in the household.

Talking to Jane[]

When she was alone, Corporal Tahar neared and told her about Vilron's plan. She was extremely uncomfortable, since she did not share Vilron's feelings at all. The two had one lovely time but ever since Vilron had been overly attached to her. It went so far that she asked her own parents for help to get rid of her now stalking ex-lover.

Oh, I ... uhm ... I see. Well, I hate to say it, but you're a little misinformed. Vilron and I had a lovely evening together, and yes, we kissed, but that is about it. He's uhm ... not really my type. Too impulsive, too syrupy.
Jane about Vilron

Jane's refusal[]

Because Jane refused the potion, Corporal Tahar then went back to Vilron to tell him about what happened. He either had the choice to be blank and to smooth the edge of the message a bit. Vilron would be heartbroken either way and would sob about having lost his love.

She told me that she has really appreciated you and the time the two of you spent together, but she is not yet read to commit to you. She wanted me to tell you, she is very sorry for leading you on.
Corporal Tahar conveying Jane's message

The Corporal could then offer Vilron a chance to start over as a smith in his ranks. Vilron first was sceptical, since he had never truly left Everlight, but with the pain from the recent break-up still being fresh, he accepted and travel to Mulandir.

Actually, if you want to turn the page and start over, I might have an offer for you. My men are in need of an elven smith in Mulandir. You can come with me and forget about all this...
Vilron being presented a fresh start


This quest is extremely close to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, in which two lovers felt towards each other despite their families being in a feud. However while some similarites remain, the main plot still differs, since Jane does not truly love Vilron at all.
